14 Nights Bodrum Yacht Charter Itinerary

Bodrum is one of Turkey’s most talked about holiday resorts in Turkey. This game is greatly due to the Fisherman of Halicarnassos who did so much to promote it, who caused our intellectuals to fall in love wtih the place, so much so that now many of writers and artists can be found for most the year in Bodrum.
Entertainment is definitely added to holidays in the town. In Bodrum holidays are divided into two. During the day it is time to swim in extremely blue bays, to leave your body to the hot sunshine and in other words to rest and get ready for the night. once the sun sets and the stars begins to fill the sky another call of life is heard. This is the call of the Bodrum nights. The restaurants are ready fort he night, on the water front, in nearby villages, on streets of white houeses and on the hills.
Bodrum is not only a town of sea, sun and fun nights. The story of civilisation in Bodrum has a history going back 3,000 years. The historian Herodotus says that the city was founded in 1000 BC by the Dorians on the location where the castle is today. In those days the place was an island. The height of Halicarnassus was in the 4th century BC. During the 24 years rule of King Mausolus he made the city the capital of Caria and began construction of the magnificent monument, the Mausoleum, one of the Seven Wonders of the world.

The ancient city of Knidos has the most impressive ruins on the Datca Peninsula. The solitary ruins of Knidos are scattered about the slopes above the ancient harbour. The setting is delightful and the ruins, only partly excavated, are a romantic overgrown jumble of huge rock blocks and pottery sherds. This was one of the Dorian hexapolis, the six cities of the Dorian Confederacy. The city was a prosperous one, its inhabitants being industrious and the harbour well placed to handle passing trade.
Knidos was renowned for two things: its statue of Aphrodite and the scientist Eudoxos. The statue of Aphrodite was Praxiteles, one of the greatest Greek sculptors. In the 4th century B.C., the statue was one of the first of a naked woman, only male statues being naked until this time.
The sexy Aphrodite was believed to bring good fortune to seafarers-it certainly brought large number of tourists in this early age to view it. The scientist, Eudoxos of Knidos, was an astronomer and mathematician who lived in the fourth century B.C. and is considered one of the founding fathers of Greek geometry. He built an observatory at Knidos in his declining years and spent his time here watching and mapping the night sky. The architect Sostratus, who designed the Pharos lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was also a native of city.

An other place in Hisaronu, named Bozburun is well known to Captains. In respect to tourism it is one of the most virgin parts of the region. Just like the coral waters of the tropical seas, the waters here turn into turquoise fromdark blue. It is highly recommended for those who want a quite and calm holiday. Nearby to Bozburun on Asar Hill are the remains of the ancient city of Larymna. It takes 45 minutes to get to the top of the hill. There are fragments of the city walls, pieces and ruins of tombs scattered around. Bozburun looks beautiful from this hilltop. Another port when you travel towards Bozburun is Sogut Port. The Saranda district of the village of Sogut is in this bay. In order to be able to watch the sunset over the island of Sombeki (Symi/Greece), you should anchor in one of the coves of Kiseli Island.

After Orhaniye, you travel another popular stops for gulets on the Blue Cruise between Bodrum and Marmaris. The bay is green, the sea is clean and generally calm but there is not much in the way of sand beaches. There are small restaurants around the quay area. There is an eternal quietness that rules the area, perfect for those that want to have a holiday away from the crowd. There are also historical remains around the Selimiye region. There are ruins of three castles of the ancient city of Hydas in the area. One of them is on the highest hill of Selimiye, one other on Sarikaya Hill and the last in Asarkale in the Kizilkoy district. To the South east of the bay yo ucan visit Hellenistic era city walls.

After Orhaniye, you travel another popular stops for gulets on the Blue Cruise between Bodrum and Marmaris. The bay is green, the sea is clean and generally calm but there is not much in the way of sand beaches. There are small restaurants around the quay area. There is an eternal quietness that rules the area, perfect for those that want to have a holiday away from the crowd. There are also historical remains around the Selimiye region. There are ruins of three castles of the ancient city of Hydas in the area. One of them is on the highest hill of Selimiye, one other on Sarikaya Hill and the last in Asarkale in the Kizilkoy district. To the South east of the bay yo ucan visit Hellenistic era city walls.

Bencik is a location much loved by the Blue Cruise boats/yachts/gulets, with its small coves that maket hem feel very special. There has been no construction allowed to disturb you. In the entrance of the port of Bencik there is Dislice (Teeth) Island, so named because it is covered with rocks that stick out like teeth. It is great to wander through the rocks shaped by the sea, playing hide and seek in the caves or diving to see underwater beauties!
The oldest and most beautiful summerhouse complex of the region is Aktur on Kurucabuk Cove.

Datca is where the Aegean Sea meets the Mediterranean. One side of the 70 kilometre long Datca Peninsula, which stretches to the west from Marmaris, is lapped by the waters of the Aegean and on the other by those of the Mediterranean. Around the peninsula you will find as many as 52 bays, some of which for one full day will be yours alone. You will not be able to forget the beautiful sea with the stillness of an aquarium in Datca’s coves and beaches.
The best and most delicious almonds in Turkey are grown in Datca. Fresh almonds (cagla) are picked in February but there is also a chance to taste them in April.

Domuzbuku (Pig Inlet) is a place ypu choose for a holiday when you want to get away from it all and forget all about cities, including such things as television. There is no road link to the cove; instead you get there by yacht. Apart from relaxing and swimming at Domuzbuku you can also make some short trips around the area. Nearby there is a cave and interesting stone formations that you can walk to see. At nights you can fill your time by looking at the sky, which here seems to have more stars than anywhere else.

The green valley behind the harbour is a pleasant contrast to the bare rocky slopes further back. Palamutbuku is so beautiful that you cannot leave without anchoring and staying overnight. It is a nice inlet with barren hills softly sloping down and meeting the sea, forming a very long beach. Along the seaside there are village houses amongst the trees, a line of small pensions and summerhouses and fishing boats and gulets moored together in the port. You can swim from the beach of sand and gravel stone. The sea is very clean and has a visibility of 25 metres and is suitable for spear fishing. On the small island in the opening of the cove is there is a boat shelter.

At the mouth of the cove there is a small island that has a single tree on it. Buyuk Cati is quite impressive with its coves and its main port. In some parts of the coves there are sandy beaches and pine trees everywhere. The sea is clear and clean. In the main port area there is drinking water available. By travelling 1.5 kilometers along a dirt track you can get to Marmaris-Datca road.It is 35 kilometres to Marmaris and 45 kilometres to Datca. From the same dirt road you can also get to the coves of Ballicak and Boynuzlu. For the ones who wish to walk on the path between the coves there is another path leading you to the eastern part of the entrance of the coves where there is a small cove that has shallow waters. In this cove, centuries old pine trees and the liquid amber orientalis reach up to the sky. Two springs meet to form a pool and then flow to the sea together as a tiny stream. The small lake is like a private swimming pool. The cove has a different beauty in the evenings. There will be no one else than you in the lake like cove, except for maybe another boat or two. And if you have a moon light at night your pleasure will be complete.

To the east of Buyuk Cati, between the larger coves, there is a small cove that has clear water, sand on the bottom and forests surrounding it. Although it is not suitable for anchoring, you may get there by a small boat for swimming. Both sides of the coves are steep and have maquis. The cove goes inland for 400 meters to the east. On the western side of the cove there is an ideal point for anchoring, though there is only space for two boats here. The sea bottom is sand, the water is clear and is surrounded by pine and liquid amber orientalis trees. There are some other coves at Kucuk Cati. In one of them, behind the gravel stone beach, under the liquid amber orientalis you find a sweet water lake. Its water is there for your refreshment and bathing. The path coming from Buyuk Cati reaches here and then leads all the way to up the Cove of Balikasiran. If you follow this path at every turn you would see another cove. It is a wonderful walking area.

Bordubet Cove is one of the incomparable beauties of the Gulf of Gokova. There is only one Hotel and camping place in the area. These facilites are run by people that take great care of the environment. The cove and the area are under a first degree natural protection order and all types of construction work is banned. A stream enters the cove and yachts can go a short way up it, while small boats/gulets can go deep into the waterway. It is a natural port and a secure shelter in storms. The area around is forest and if you want to walk get onto one of the paths where you can only hear the sound of birds.

On the southern shores of the Gokova Gulf there is an area that has four islands in front and where a gulf of more then two miles is formed between the coastlines. In all weathers between these islands and coves there is a calm site you can anchor. The island of Martili (Seagull Island) in the west is barren. On its southern part and northern point there are beautiful beaches at which to swim. The other islands are called Uzun (Tall), Zeytinli (Olive) and Kucuk (Small). All have steep and rocky coastlines where there are no beaches. The islands are mostly barren but in the cove areas there are pine forests. The most significant anchoring points in the Yediadalar are Camalti Cove, the port of Bekar (Gokagac Inlet), the port of Karaagac, Babus Inlet, Kufre Cove and Gollu Island. The Camalti Beach and the sea bottom are sandy. The shores are covered with forests. The port of Bekar is like a pool with a diameter of 150 metres. The gulets cannot enter and yachts only go there rarely. The most popular cove for gulet yachts in the area is Kufre. All the coves are linked to each other with dirt paths. There is a shabby restaurant called Yedi Adalar that serves gulets at the mouth of Kufre. Right opposite Kufre there is the Gollu Island, which is ideal to moor and for swimming.

This is one of the most beautiful coves of Gokova. The right-angled cove consists of tree covered hills sloping to the shores, running inland for 800 metres. As it is sheltered from the wind it is a popular site for gulets to stopover for night or for a break. The cove was not much affected by a recent fire. However, even in areas that were badly burned, nature is rapidly coming back to life again.
There are walking paths from the cove, including the Bordubet foret path that comes from Malderesi Stream goes through Longoz.

The cove of Sogut (Willows) is a round port with a diameter of 800 meters. In the middle of the cove there is a T shaped quay. Water and power services can be provided to visiting gulets.
Karacasogut is surrounded by pine trees, and is the closest point to Marmaris with only 12 km far . You may chose to go off for the day in town or book an interesting tour to the city. The village of Sogut is in a fertile valley and there are greenhouses and bee keeping. The area is able to walk in the forest path. Those following the path leading to Okluk on the hill on the western point of the cove will see the remains of an old castle. The scenery is impressive.

This is a port where no weather can affect its calm. Until the 1970s it was a cove where there were thick pine trees coming all the way down to the waterside. This played a role in its being named the British Port. In World War Two a few British warships sought refuge here. At night they would leave and attack the German held islands and enemy ships and return to the cove to hide. During the day, the crews would cover the ships with branches so that they were not noticeable. The region was badly affected by fires in 1970 but pines have begun growing again.

This region became famous after the late President Turgut Ozal built a presidential summerhouse here. The pine quay where the building is located is between the coves of Okluk and Malderesi. The southern part of Okluk Cove is flat with its gardens. The cove has a quay. Those who do not want to tie up the quay can anchor in a quiet cove and moor their boat to a tree. The region is linking to Marmaris by a 25 kilometre long road, two kilometres of which is a dirt track. There are very beautiful walking routes that go all round the bay.
A REMINDER : The yachts and boats are not allowed to get close to the Presidential Summerhouse and Malderesi Cove.
At the entrance to Okluk Cove you will be surprised to see a statue of a mermaid on the rocks. This monument is a gift from the owner of the boat Kismet, Sadun Bora, who travelled all over the seas around the world. The statue is his gift to Okluk and Gokova where he comes to anchor after every one of his voyages. The sculptor of the statue is Tanku Oktem and the inscription by Sadun Bora reads : “The mermaid, in order to realize her dream, has travelled over so huge a sea, crossed the horizons. She went through continents, islands and coves until she got to GOKOVA”

Sedir Island is in the Gökova Gulf and is so named because of the numerous cedar trees on the surrounding shores. Kedrai means ‘cedars’, and the durable wood from these trees was particularly used for building ships.
The island has a sandy beach made up of tiny limestone balls, thought to be a natural result of the geological conditions on the island. However, the beautiful sand was reputedly sent by ship from Egypt by Cleopatra, so that she could swim here with her Roman lover, Anthony. Because of this legend, the beach is known as Cleopatra Beach and receives many visitors in the summer months.
We don’t know exactly when the city was founded but we know that Lysander, a naval commander from Sparta, attacked the island in 405 BC, first withdrawing when he met strong resistance, then gaining control of the island with a second assault. Probably because they had angered him, he sold off all the inhabitants as slaves. However, after this the island was inhabited continuously and, after being a guard post of the Knights of Rhodes in the Middle Ages, came under Ottoman rule.
The island is about 700 meters long and the archaeological remains are on the east side. They consist of ramparts, an amphitheatre, an agora, a necropolis and a temple of Apollo which is almost exactly in the centre of the island. This temple was built on a platform and a church was built around it in Byzantine times.

Cokertme is a small and picturesque fishing town, that gives you to have a dinner and an overnight stay. This gorgeous bay is surrounded by pine and olive trees and is pleasantly sheltered against the winds. The area allows you to walk on shore and make small strolls in the nature.

Mazi is a virgin cove just near Bodrum with extremely clean water. It has not yet been opened up to construction, has a very green character, with monumental trees and stones. The village of Mazi on Gokova shores was built on higher grounds so as to not to be seen by pirates and thus avoid their attacks. The shores of Mazi do not get crowded even in the hottest summer days. Its long beaches and rocks are available both for swimming and fishing.

Yaliciftlik is at the entrance of the Gulf of Gokova and possibly the best seas of Bodrum are in the small bays to be found here. In the coves of Pabucburnu and Kargicik, the most popular with Bodrum locals in the past, there are now high quality hotels and holiday resorts. The daily boat and yachts and gulets tours find an indent in these coves to have their breaks. The hill sloping down to the coves have many walking trails that have a brilliant scenery.
Send Enquiry Feeling of Freedom on the Gulfs Hisaronu & Gokova
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